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Cross-professional supervision bridges disciplines, creating opportunities for growth within one’s core profession. Dr. Geraldine Holton’s Wisdom Model provides a deep foundation, emphasizing contemplation, collaboration, compassion, and creativity. As an art therapist, creativity has been central to my practice, but this model has allowed me to expand into new creative modalities beyond the visual and to deepen my engagement with these principles in a professional way. The wisdom model has provided me with a bridge into a cross professional landscape.

It is my understanding that this engagement with creativity, fosters innovative thinking, problem-solving, and the re-imagining of professional challenges. It invites supervisee's to explore new perspectives and enrich their practices from heart based perspectives. Equally important, contemplation encourages stillness and self-awareness, connecting professionals to their inner wisdom. Collaboration nurtures trust and openness, enabling the cross-pollination of ideas. Compassion ensures supportive and empathetic processes, allowing growth and vulnerability to co-exist.


By embracing these principles of the wisdom model, I have learned that cross-professional supervision can become a transformative tool that enhances resilience, broadens perspectives, and contributes to the overall well-being of my supervisee’s. This approach nurtures authentic dialogue and shared learning, empowering professionals to address challenges with soul, creativity and mutual understanding.

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